Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Ketupat Pisgor, snacks from Nias Island
Introduce to your typical hawker is Ketupat Pisgor(pisang goreng or banana fried) Nias Island.
To know the taste of Ketupat Pisgor closer, we invite you to the island of Nias, North Sumatra province. Nias Island is an island located at the western tip of Sumatra island and was included into the territory of North Sumatra province. To reach the island of Nias, you can get on a plane flying from Polonia Airport, Medan and arrived at the airport Binaka, Gunungsitoli approximately 50 minutes flight. From the Airport to downtown Mount Binaka Sitoli, you can ride motor rickshaw about 10 minutes away. When located in downtown Mount Sitoli, you can find Ketupat Pisgor menu at some food stalls or restaurants as it is located at Kelapa street.

. The main attraction Ketupat menu Pisgor namely pleasure and taste the Ketupat Pisgor. Diamond is made from glutinous rice cooked in coconut palm wrap. While the acronym taken from words Pisgor Fried Banana. To make Pisgor, selected types of banana sour. After the skin peeled banana wrapped with rice flour that has been given a little sugar and salt. After all the surface of banana wrapped in batter, then fry until half cooked bananas. So crisp when eaten, half-cooked fried banana was just fried until cooked right after you start ordering.

Presentation Ketupat Pisgor quite simple. Fast Ketupat which split into two parts and then flattened on the surface of fried bananas. In order for diamond stuck in the bananas, fried bananas must be presented in a state still hot. Bananas wrapped in diamond and then doused with young coconut juice or coconut milk that has been cooked until thick.

Enjoyment taste Pisgor Ketupat menu can be found starting from the first cicipan. Sticky rice and coconut milk wrapped banana was tasty. Increasingly felt pleasure when you enjoy the sticky rice and coconut milk sauce with a piece of banana that has been fried kepok banana(pisang kepok).

Ketupat Sandwich from Nias

In the wedding party on the island of Nias after the submission of a dowry, even disajikan.hidangan symbolic dishes in a big event like this is simbi, which is part of the fat pig jaws. Meat and lard boiled together and released a local liquor called brandy, and eaten as an appetizer.
Besides presented as simbi, there are again three pork dishes that are served. The first is a pork stew, with pieces of bone, skin, with carrots and potatoes. Another dish is the pork that is cooked like a stew sauce thickens. The third dish is chopped. Judging from his appearance, chopped very similar to saksang in Tapanuli, namely meat and minced pork fat, then cooked with the blood and various seasonings.

After the meal was over, the event famortu began. The groom convey his greetings to the mothers of the bride. These mothers then gave various advice to the groom.
Last event is renewed fame hada, namely granting indigenous pigs slaughtered the next day for a wedding which will be attended by more people. After the show is over, the bride out of the house, juxtaposed with the groom, and then carried by stretcher into the house of the groom. The next day, a big party was held.

If you are allowed to eat pork

Indeed the majority of the people of Nias are Christians and Catholics. Therefore, the safe choice for Muslim friends are houses in Padang, who luckily enough to eat a lot of presence in Nias, especially in Gunungsitoli. Besides pigs widely available, many shops selling food from the meat B1 (dog). Nias people call it a tooth, together with the animal name in the Java language.

Some people also have called Manado, namely erwe or RW, which stands for rintek wu'uk means short hair - as an antonym of pig bristles are longer. In B1-shops are usually also available crude palm wine (legend), wine (once distilled), as well as local alcoholic beverage called brandy.

If you are allowed to eat pork, one of the recommended places to eat in Mount Sitoli is Noodle Store in Lagundri.

How to cook fried noodles are unique. First, the pork chops sauteed with spices, then added sliced cabbage and added water. After boiling, put the egg noodles that cross section was slightly larger than spaghetti. Continue cooking until it is cooking noodles.

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