Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Ciamis, West Java

Galendo, from Ciamis
West Java is known as food-rich areas tradisional.Salah them is galendo (gelendo) Ciamis. Although already emerging in some areas, galendo Ciamis remain on the tongue have distinctive consumer. First, to be able to taste the delicious galendo Ciamis, people have to buy directly into people's homes galendo producer. Later, galendo already available in some supermarkets with an attractive packaging.Foods made from coconut oil residue that is identical with Ciamis where Ciamis is one of the largest coconut producer in West Java.Galendo enjoyable with a cup of hot tea or coffee, especially when in a dab of white sugar.In addition Galendo also have taste different to taste delicious, like chocolate, and strawberry. But still, to enjoy the different tastes better if made and eaten in his hometown.Galendo in Ciamis crafters has their own tricks that can be used as food galendo interesting, the material was not only a waste product of palm oil production, but also mixed with chocolate, strawberry, and other materials. Package sizes are also made differently.

Banana sale and banana chips
Banana sale and banana chips from Ciamis . West Java which is traditionally manufactured by craftsmen snacks in recent years has been able to penetrate the market last month foreigners who processed into banana chips from raw materials with seven Siem banana flavor and sale of banana with the five tastes were also enthused by the Japanese market with demand needs of two tons per week.

Mount Pindang

Mount is a kind of preserved food Fish Soup which has a different taste because typical marinade mixture. These food types found in many southern Ciamis, especially Pangandaran, Parigi, Cijulang and Cimerak.

Palm Sugar, Coconut Sugar

Sugar is brown sugar made from palm tree fruit that is produced in many Sub Langkaplancar, Panjalu, Tambaksari Panumbangan and Cikoneng. Regional marketing to Ciamis, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Bandung and Jakarta. Coconut Palm Sugar Sugar is made from coconuts that many are produced in the District of Pangandaran, Pamarican, Cimerak, Lakbok, Sidamulih and Padaherang. Regional marketing to Ciamis, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Bandung and Jakarta.

Abon and CowDendeng

This food is produced in many Ciamis District. Regional marketing to Ciamis, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Bandung and Jakarta.

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Bogor, West Java


Fried bean sprouts is one of the typical foods of Bogor. Presentation mode is simple enough that a plate of fried bean sprouts doused with sauce Tauco. But it was very unusual.

Wet spring rolls filled(Lumpia basah)

Named after a wet spring rolls filled , we can enjoy spring rolls without the need to fried. What makes this different from spring rolls spring rolls that we usually encounter in other cities, the seller prepares to order spring rolls. We can not buy ready-filled spring rolls, but had to wait for the vendor along with sauteed spice filling material in front of us. The reason the seller to keep warm spring rolls and their skin does not dry out. To maintain the fresh spring rolls and equipment, spring rolls are already ready to be served immediately wrapped with banana leaves, one by one. Though cool, but when it's wrapped in banana leaves, the skin is still tender and tasty spring rolls.

Nutmeg and mango ice

Nutmeg and mango ice can always be found in various places such as nutmeg or jajanan.Isinya course planed then sweetened mango. It was fresh and sweet and sour.

In Bogor, people commonly refer Ketupat Pesor.Ketupat Vegetables Vegetables with Bogor, not much different style with diamond vegetables we already know. The food consists of pieces of diamond that watered the vegetable chayote and equipped with a stew of potatoes and crackers kanji. If you want spicy, stay laced sauce

Form of mixed drinks made from ginger juice and spices, so flavorful spicy and warm. Usually served while hot. Addition of milk to make a spicy flavor bansus slightly reduced, replaced by milk. Bansus shop lots scattered around Bogor.

Fried bean sprouts
Fried bean sprouts is one of the typical foods of Bogor. Presentation mode is simple enough that a plate of fried bean sprouts doused with sauce Tauco. But it was very unusual.

Yellow Soto Bogor
Let's just walk around Bogor, certainly in every way you find two or even more builders yellow soto.Soto soup made from coconut milk laced with turmeric until the yellow color. The contents of meat and offal that is placed on top of the container that is lined with banana leaves. With a sharpened iron, you can pick and stabbed the meat of your choice. There is tripe, tongue, meat, tendons, and intestines. Once selected, the builders will cut the meat in matched in size and arranged them in a bowl. Once completed sweet ketchup, sliced celery, and garlic fries, meat sauce had been poured hot soup.Feels so good.

Bogor pickles

for those of you who love to eat-food spicy, sour, pickled bogor is a tasty snack to try. Bogor pickles. Type of food made from different types of fruits and / or vegetables are well known by all levels of society, especially in Jakarta and Bogor. Generally, women and teenage mothers, the more that are salted snack cravings so gemarnya Bogor. For most mothers pickled Bogor is one of the hoped-for food, if long not eating it. If you are traveling to the town of Bogor, Bogor pickles take as souvenirs, it definitely will get a warm reception. If you do not have time or too far away to go to Bogor for a packet of pickles, try to create your own. Here I will present practical ways to make pickles rainy city's distinctive style. you are quite prepared to make a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as pineapple, guava, mango, carrot, salted vegetables, and others according to your tastes. for ingredients, materials used are water, vinegar, chili sauce, salt, and sugar and then mixed into one smuanya. good luck

This food is a piece of beef from cow mouth(cingur )cooked with yellow spice. Then eaten with rice cake and peanut sauce. Sometimes it is also accompanied with fried tempe or Oncom flour. Cungkring traders generally around once and then hung in a place, such as markets, schools, churches, or the location that many people pass. Form of merchandise such as glass-walled wooden box so we can easily select the desired cingur. Packaging form takir leaf. The traders usually have to provide a stick for ease of us eat. The taste, crunchy, distinctive, and delicious.

Bandung Cuisine, West Java

Siomay is a typical food from Bandung made of flour and fish leveling compound, given the seasoning and then steamed, and served or eaten with boiled eggs, cabbage, tofu, potatoes and mixed with peanut sauce, which has been flavored, almost the same with peanut sauce seasoning batagor. These dumplings are in some restaurants, stalls in the city of Bandung.


People are good at creating food Bandung unique with a unique name as well. As with food made
from peuyeum (tape cassava) was burned on the charcoal which was then sprinkled with brown sugar sauce and grated coconut that is named colenak.


Peuyeum or tape cassava is the typical food in Bandung, who has a sweet taste, slightly acid and aromatic alcohol. Peuyeum is made from fermented cassava. People often say the same with a tape peuyeum cassava, but actually there is a difference that is peuyeum drier than tape. This is because the difference in the process of manufacture and storage. Peuyeum with a good quality of peuyeum that smells, and feels good, sweet peroxy. Peuyeum can be found in a typical store souvenirs Bandung


Batagor stands "bakso tahu goreng" or fried tofu meatballs, is know who is filled with a mixture of leveling compound (starch) and fish flesh tengiri. Friends eating batagor is made dumplings that also from a mixture of leveling compound (starch) and tengiri fish meat, but wrapped in dumpling skin. Both "dicocol" or dab eaten with peanut sauce and ketchup. This food can be found almost in some places that sell typical food in Bandung.


Surabi or pancake is typical of Sundanese Food, shaped like pancakes but smaller and thicker, made from rice flour. Surabi burned by using traditional tools is furnace and a special mold from clay. Surabi has a lot of sense, with a sense of who is considered the most original characteristic is surabi Oncom Sunda

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

Cuisine From Bali Paradise

Satay Languan is made of marine fish, coconut, spices and sugar.
Satay is a typical food of Klungkung regency, but its spread to almost all of Bali. sate was used as a serving dish and at religious ceremonies.
LEMBAT satay
Lembat Sate sate lembat is made from finely ground meat, mixed with grated coconut and spices.
Meat used can be pork, chicken, duck meat and turtle meat. Sate was used for religious ceremonies and u.

Bali is somewhat different from the yellow rice in general, especially from the spices that are used and how the treatment.
Yellow rice is usually made on the day of Raya Kuningan, a feast of Hindu people in Bali once every 210 days which fall ..

DRINK Cendol
Cendol is a kind of mixed drink made from rice flour and tapioca flour and added with coconut milk and brown sugar.
Cendol is made as a dish and sometimes added to ice when the drink it. Cendol is already on sale ..

Rice is the staple food (yellow rice) mixed with chicken meat, fresh vegetables, eggs and Saur.
Yasa rice usually is made for religious ceremonies such as the feast day of Saraswati, and also to dihaturkan Çiwalatri to the ancestors.

LEMPET (Pepes swordfish)
Lempet is a kind of side dishes made from fish or marine fish species languan swordfish, plus spices, packaged in a banana leaf and grilled over coconut shell charcoal.
Lempet This is generally referred to with the message (Pepes).

Brem is one type of beverage made bali regions typical of glutinous rice or glutinous rice and black or a mixture of both types of glutinous rice is fermented with yeast tape.
Traditionally, especially at the household level in mas ..


Sambal Bali is a food with a spicy flavor to complement the cuisine of Bali. Few people of Bali who eat rice without sauce comes with, which is also used in preparing the various dishes of meat and vegetables.


Lawar is a typical Balinese food. Currently Lawar easy to find in Bali. Lawar often used for food during traditional ceremonies, but also a lot lawar sold by restaurants and restaurants in Bali.

The basic ingredients of vegetable lawar is not the meat, which is a kind of chopped vegetables which are then given based seasoning paste is mixed with herbs spices.
In the villages of Bali can be found in various types lawar, like lawar jackfruit, long beans lawar, lawar leaves starfruit, papaya fruit lawar, lawar coconut. However, the most famous is lawar lawar jackfruit and long beans. But to add flavor lawar then given minced meat, such as chicken, duck, pork, beef, snails, or sea turtles.

Minced meat was sometimes made to strengthen the flavor of fine ingredients, but sometimes also made rough in order to better feel on the tongue. And because, like the people who consume more meat currently existing lawar majority are in the meat mixture. So much so that more meat than vegetables.

In the villages tend lawar spicy taste, and there are some who deliberately mixing the ingredients fresh blood when squeezed. However, in restaurants or food stalls usually lawar made not too spicy and not mixed with blood, as adjusted to the taste of the tourists who came to visit.


betutu is a side dish made from chicken or duck and spiced intact from the outside and inside. Chicken or duck and covered with banana leaves, then coated again with a stem of bananas to the meeting. After that chickens or ducks were planted in the ground and covered with coals of fire up to six or seven hours (until cooked).

All the people of Bali must know betutu. Betutu is one of the producers Melinggih village, Chedi district, Gianyar regency. Betutu here used as a grain in religious ceremonies or rituals, and also for sale.

Rujak Sauce Pindang(like salad)

Boiled salad dressing is a combination of several fresh fruit salad similar to sweet in general. The same fruit and is often used as yam, papaya, kedondong, cucumber, starfruit and others. As usual, the fruit is cut into small pieces like a salad in general.

What distinguishes this salad with the usual salad is complementary. Complement consists of broth (made from fish), salt, shrimp paste, and chili. All these complementary milled until smooth and no longer mixed with water because there has been boiled soup (fish broth), which has been diluted.

How to make it as follows, first grind or grinding chilies, shrimp paste, and salt together until smooth. Both enter the prepared gravy evaporation. Third stirring gravy evaporation was mixed with chilies, shrimp paste, and salt that has been pulverized. Fourth cut fruits that were prepared to be small. Finally, all fruit juices the pindang stirred so pervasive and boiled salad is ready to serve.

Lilit Satay

Which is different from satay skewers are generally in the form of meat that is cut and
poke in a small timber. Satay is made by wrapping the meat on a bamboo pole. Meat used can be either fish, chicken, duck, pork, or pigeon. However, usually found on the stalls in Bali is the lilit satay made from tuna meat or chicken meat.

How to make are as follows, meat put into a mortar, then smoothened using a pestle along with spices, coconut milk and grated coconut. After the meat together with seasoning, then the sate was established with a fist wrapped the meat up on the stalk lengthwise and made of bamboo. After it burned sate then ready to serve concurrently with ketupat, fish soup and Rice.

Srombotan is typical of Klungkung vegetables. Srombotan This is a kind of hodgepodge version of Klungkung. This food is a mixture of vegetables with beans flavored with coconut sauce and pour sauce made from peanuts, shrimp paste and chilies.

Vegetables commonly used is the swamp cabbage, spinach, green beans, long beans, eggplant round (raw), pare, winged bean. Beans such as peanuts, botor, red beans, peanuts kara, fried corn, and bean sprouts.

Jinggo Rice

Jinggo is one kind of rice dish cheap and very famous in Bali (especially in Denpasar and Badung). At first, rice jinggo is provided for night workers who often work overtime. But as time passed, the name of this jinggo rice spread to almost every corner of the city of Denpasar, Badung, and even some cities in Bali.

Jinggo rice is just an ordinary lunch pack (similar to the famous cat sego in Yogyakarta). This jinggo rice wrapped in banana leaves, with a mix of noodle dishes, chicken Suir, fried tempeh, boiled eggs 1 / 4 point, and with his trademark is a tomato sauce mixed with shrimp past

Seribu Islands Cuisine

Gepuk Satay, Panggang Island Food

Satay is a typical food obese citizens of Panggang Island. Satay even made of tuna fish and coconut are already a resident of the island. Sate obese taste spicy, delicious and tasty. The taste of this satay can be eaten anywhere, anytime. Sate become obese than those eating the island, too many residents love the city. The price is also relatively inexpensive and not to drain the pockets of around Rp. 15,000 to Rp 20,000 per-one fish.
Fish that do not have this bone was ogled by many mothers when he joined the race FRAMES eat ornamental. So it is not an exaggeration to Sate Gepuk is Seribu Islands residents pride food.

Sate name then we will see cuts of meat that had been stabbed and burnt bamboo, and soy sauce or spice flavored beans. But this one is another sate and different, good taste and how to serve. His name alone is unique, satay odol. Sate this one is the typical food of the Seribu Islands.

Its main ingredient is the meat of fresh tuna that have been removed from the thin skin, mixed with grated coconut roasted and given a flavor that can destabilize the tongue audience.

In Semarang, Java or other coastal areas, these foods are usually called otak-otak. The difference is, the otak-otak are usually made from fish, while the sate odol swordfish, the local community's favorite fish.

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Andaliman Fruit Typical North Sumatra

One type of herb that until now were limited utilization of primary commodities is andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC).
In Indonesia, this one herbs found only in the District and the North Tapanuli Toba Samosir, North Sumatra, at 1500 m asl berketinggian area.

Besides in North Sumatra, who entered in the family andaliman Rutacea (citrus family-jerukan) there is in India, China, and Tibet. Looks like a pepper (pepper) small round, green, but if it is dry, slightly dusky. When bitten by the smell of fragrant essential oil with a distinctive flavor-tart-that stimulate saliva production.

Lo andaliman more famous in Asia like China, Japan, Korea, and India. Szechuan pepper cool title. Prosea mention China andaliman as native plants. In the land of the Bamboo Curtain was mixed for food andaliman mapo-berkuah. 'Sin Jiang Muslim Community andaliman grind with pepper, coriander, and salt. Everything is then used as cocolan-roasted roast beef, 'says Wongso.

In Japan and Korea used as decoration or used andaliman add spicy flavor to soups and noodles. Society Gujarat, Goa, and Maharashtra in India has always slipped andaliman as fish seasoning. Well, because many who love it, andaliman not only sold in traditional markets like Pasar Senen, Central Jakarta worth he has penetrated the country Rp50.000/kg-tapi Brother Sam. There, especially in the Asian Food Store, andaliman sold for U.S. $ 14.99 per ounce equivalent Rp140.990/ons.

Andaliman Plants
Andaliman plants (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC) found growing wild in Tapanuli and used as a spice in cooking and traditional Batak Batak Mandailing Angkola. Many grow on dry land in the highlands and low. Plant this one is a commodity complementary Batak cuisine. Various types of cuisine such as sangsang Batak, niura na, na tinombur, or arsik, it does not fit without the presence of andaliman.

Andaliman trunked tree growing as a brush, not a vine. Trunk - trunk knaggy many, small leaves, similar to roses. Along the stem, twig, from bottom to the tip filled with sharp thorns, like the thorns of roses. But thorn andaliman bigger and stronger. Average tree height 2-4 meters, rarely more than 5 meters. Productive age less than 7 years.

Andaliman fruit emerge from among the thorns, usually lined with thorns, the fruit grows among thorns. Andaliman need to pick a high concentration. Since there are many thorns. Small fruits, grains smaller than pepper. Stemmed fruit, it is easier to imagine such leunca, if in Tatar Sunda. Size approx andaliman leunca twentieth.

If you're young, green fruit, and ripe red. And if dry, black. Andaliman freshly picked fruit should be wrapped in banana leaves, because kalu left open, will be broken. His men immediately turned black, and cracked. Seed out of the skin. Produce one kilogram andaliman very difficult. Harvesting of large trees and dense fruit, it takes half a day.
Harvesting the fruit andaliman prime is usually easier, because the stem is longer-term, so it's easier picking. but be careful, because the thorns are still pointy-pointy. Andaliman maximum yields of about 10-20 kg of fruit per day. Each picking andaliman, there is no guarantee hand unattached spines. Once hit, bitter, poignant and incredibly painful. Not just the pain of wounded, but because of the famous andaliman getirnya taste.

Benefits of Fruit Andaliman
Without andaliman, dishes like sangsang or arsik, bland taste. There is a specific cuisine when pounded with chili, making cooking spice aroma and taste cause (flavor) that invite appetite. A spicy flavor and aroma of chili spiciness andaliman different, really fit on the tongue Batak people who like spicy food bite.

Andaliman suspected to contain compounds that have activity as an antimicrobial and antioxidant. In the field of used food antioxidants to protect fats / oils against oxidative damage. In connection with its application, the antioxidant activity is influenced by the food system which is a medium for these antioxidants. Process heat is applied to the processing of food and pH also affect the stability of food contribute to antioxidant activity. The purpose of this study is to determine the antioxidant activity of fruit extracts andaliman on various food systems and to determine the stability of activity against several conditions of temperature and pH.
The antioxidant activity of fruit extracts andaliman in the oil system is also lower compared to BHT, which is shown by the average induction time for the ethanol extract of 7:29 hours, 7:02 hours for hexane-ethanol extract, BHT fixation and 8:18 hours to 6:19 hours to control. Components that have antioxidant activity in fruit extracts are relatively resistant andaliman heat. On testing in aqueous systems, temperature treatment of 175 ° C for 120 minutes down to about 17 percent protective factors to extract ethanol fixation and 13.6 percent for hexane-ethanol extract.

Andaliman fruit is also rich in vitamins C and E are useful for improving endurance.

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Special Food Bukittinggi, West Sumatra

Looking for Breakfast at the Pakan Kurai

Bone pierced the morning air feels when out of the courtyard of a hotel in Bukittinggi. Still watches shows six in the morning more than a few minutes, the time to enjoy the freshness of the air Bukittinggi.

The sun still has not appeared. Not a lot of food stalls and shops open early. Walking Down Market area, looking to start activity of vegetable traders.

While seeking a fitting place for breakfast that morning, it's not wrong to enjoy the air around the Clock Tower Bukittinggi, which also functions as an icon in the plaza of this historic city. Moreover, the Clock Tower facing the region Kurai Feed, or the Market of Bukittinggi.
In this Kurai Feed Bukittinggi true culinary paradise. Unfortunately, the house that morning to eat rice Kapau not yet open. Kapau is actually the name of the area not far from Bukittinggi. Unlike the typical restaurant Minang or Padang restaurants menu Kapau little else.

Some typical menu include goulash cubudak Kapau, jackfruit vegetable curry with long beans, bamboo shoots are mixed. There is also a tambunsu goulash, beef goulash of the intestine that has been cleaned and filled with eggs in it.

Nothing Kapau rice, other menus too so. Feeding into los Kurai, there is one diner that's been open since 05:30 o'clock. Not hard to find stores with names Minang Maimbau closed despite the many souvenir stalls and Minang cuisine that is also not yet open.

Breakfast was typical

In this store we can find typical breakfast Bukittinggi. There are three breakfast menu which became the mainstay in this shop: diamond fern curry, curry leaves, taro, and porridge champion.

If you want a menu that has a spicy flavor with a bit of acid mixture, can choose the diamond goulash ferns. Digulai fern that is not of fern that grows in the woods, but from that grew on the river bank.

Vegetable curry spicy flavor of this fern is very felt once I started tasting the sauce. Besides spices, onion and white, to make the sauce add green chilies and cayenne pepper.

Meanwhile, to add a little sour taste, add kandis acid. If this had happened to acid while eating ketupat bitten ferns goulash, sour taste which just added to taste a typical meal.

As a breakfast menu, this menu is pretty diamond in one fruit. Sizes that fit, not too make enough to eat, but enough to cure hunger. Typically, incomplete eat goulash ketupat this fern without diluting it with salalaluak, a type of cakes from rice flour mixed fish

Porridge Kampiun
For those who can not stand the taste spicy goulash ketupat fern, no antidote after eating this menu, porridge kampiun.presents only one champion in the feed slurry menu Kurai Bukittinggi. It consists of lupis porridge, green bean, candil, white rice porridge, banana compote and pomegranate cake mix coconut milk and a bit of brown sugar.

Porridge kampiun can also be eaten as a breakfast regular. Depending on customer tastes. Breakfast menu is not less tempting is the taro leaf stew. Taro leaf stems, which if used in Java many of feed for carp, it is used as vegetable.

If not informed by the proprietor, we may not know which food is taro stem. When bitten by this taro stem feels soft. In addition to taro, green beans and chayote slices become complementary. It is hardly sepedas goulash ketupat fern, but the aroma and taste just as tempting.

Breakfast with a second incomplete without enjoying a drink menu is typical Minang in the morning, tea eggs. Tea mixed with milk and beaten egg yolks. As presented, the drink was still foaming due to swell due to the whipped egg yolk with the water of tea.

For those not accustomed to drinking tea eggs, it did feel strange. Safe drinking way is to sip slowly and bit by bit like sipping thick black coffee.

A serving of breakfast prices could reach 3000 rupiah to anyone. After breakfast at a diner Minang Maimbau over, one at a kiosk in the Food Kurai open, especially after quite a lot of energy to get around the feed store Kurai, and by souvenir-hunting by a typical Minang.